About CardioNetworks

Welcome to CardioNetworks.org.

The CardioNetworks Foundation is a non-profit organization founded in 2007 and based in The Netherlands. The goals of the Foundation are: “to improve medical knowledge, especially in the field of cardiology, and to provide access to this knowledge by facilitating publications in digital or other form, amongst other means by building and maintaining websites.” All revenues are spent in the pursuit of this cause. The Dutch Tax Administration has designated the Cardionetworks Foundation as a Public Benefit Organisation (abbreviated in Dutch as ‘ANBI’). Gifts to the Cardionetworks Foundation can be tax deducted in the Netherlands (see Tax Administration for conditions).

CardioNetworks’ first project was ECGpedia.org, an online electrocardiography course.  We now publish and maintain around 30 individual websites in different stages of development, including Echopedia.org and PCIpedia.org, online resources in echocardiology and intervention cardiology.  Our sites provide high quality, up-to-date information freely to physicians all around the world.

Our websites are all published under a creative commons license. All information is freely accessible, without login or registration. You are welcome to use the information provided in your non-commercial presentations and educational materials, but we ask that you acknowledge the source.

More information about the CardioNetworks Foundation can be found in annual report.

We are continually striving to improve the quality of our websites, and invite you to make pertinent additions or revisions by clicking on the edit tags. If you would like to contribute more extensively, please contact us.

We hope you enjoy your visit to our websites.

Jonas de Jong, MD, PhD, FESC, FEHRA, Chair.